153370 Single Car Unit Stabled at Plymouth. Photo courtesay of Kian Corrie.
Certain service trains on the West Highland Lines will have Class 153 single car units added to the existing 156 DMUs. The additional ‘baggage’ car will provide space for cyclists, their cycles, rucksacks, skis and sports equipment and, it is anticipated, extra seats to reduce overcrowding (a problem which will increase when the refurbished 156 units are delivered because the rearranged seating will result in a reduction in total seats, albeit a much more comfortable and better viewing experience for passengers -something the Society has long argued for). The 153 units are a conversion of original two car155 units. They provide for passenger walk through at the expense of space for the driver’s accommodation. Not much detail is known at present. Transport Scotland have said that the 153 units will be used as a trial and indicated that they will use the information gained to inform future policy for provision of services and accommodation on Scotland’s Scenic Rail Routes.