Media Category: Standard images (525x350) Images of standard aspect ratio as settled upon for West Highland Line posts. A standard aspect ratio helps because pages have to display on a plethora of screen sizes; standardized aspect ratios help with adjusted presentation at various screen-width breakpoints.
18_05_16_trainfm_clachanFuarain_DSC07495 copy 2
18_10_05_CalSleeper_DSC08181 copy
191013B5 45407 Auch02b copy
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20_07_13_jacobiteStock_GFalloch_DSC00940 copy
20-09-09-CalSleeper_Auch_DSC01068-Edit copy
20-09-15_DSC01137-Southelevation copy
20-09-15_DSC01150-Westelevation copy 2
Images of standard aspect ratio as settled upon for West Highland Line posts. A standard aspect ratio helps because pages have to display on a plethora of screen sizes; standardized aspect ratios help with adjusted presentation at various screen-width breakpoints.